Content Regulation
Regulations on the placement of informational materials, offers, advertising materials, announcements and other Content using Zonto products.
The words and phrases used in this Content Regulation, except as otherwise directly provided in the context herein have the following meanings:
1.1 "User" - any legally capable entity or full-aged individual (a group of such individuals) that needs Zonto Services and has the technical capability to obtain them.
1.2 "Zonto Services" - materials and facilities, to which User gains access by using the Website and Applications based on Zonto Services Agreement.
1.3 "Offer" - public offering, advertisement or informational message composed by a Business-user using Zonto Services and distributed among other Users by means of Zonto Services showed on the page of the business profile.
1.4 "Content" - informational content of Zonto Services (texts, graphic, sound and other information in any form and etc.) including placed and/or published materials by the User.
The user is prohibited to use Zonto Services for the following:
2.1 placement and/or distribution of piratical Content;
2.2 placement and/or distribution of materials with sexual content as well as promote pornography or child erotica, advertise sexual services;
2.3 placement and/or distribution of Content that is an act of unfair competition;
2.4 placement and/or distribution of Content containing foul language or composed with gross violations of common orthography and punctuation rules, as well as Content containing alternating upper and lower case letters, written with Caps Lock turned on;
2.5 placement of advertising materials on the Company Website (with the exception for cases of separate Agreements with the Administration based on the Rules for Provision of Advertising and Information Services using Zonto Products (;
2.6 placement and/or distribution of any prohibited information, including extremist materials and materials aimed at infringing rights and freedoms of people based on racial and national parameters, confession, language, gender, which provoke violence against people or animal abuse, call for other illegal actions, including those explaining the producing ways and weapons use, narcotic drugs and their ingredients ;
2.7 placement, storing, distribution or providing access to computer viruses, Trojans or other malware;
2.8 essentially or exclusively placement of links to other websites;
2.9 placement of links to resources on the Internet, which content is inconsistent with the applicable legislation;
2.10 usage of a password or otherwise limiting an access to files placed on the Company Website or transmitted thereon;
2.11 distribution of advertising materials in personal messages addressed to other Users without their prior consent to receive such materials (SPAM);
2.12 disclosure of personal data or other private information about third parties;
2.13 placement and/or distribution of the Content on behalf of a person who has not granted the User the rights to place the Content on the Company Website on his/her behalf;
2.15 placement and/or distribution of any other information that, according to the opinion of the Company is unwanted, uncorrelated to the purposes of the Services, infringing interests of the Users and other third parties or is otherwise unwelcome on the Website.
A User bears full responsibility for the compliance of the offers, advertising materials, and Content to the legislation law of the jurisdiction applicable on the territory where the User is registered, or on the territory of which the bids stated in the offer are provided or where advertising materials are distributed.